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What Is The Difference Between Dirty And Clean Electricity?

Updated: Mar 26, 2021

Most countries generate AC current at a frequency 50 or 60 Hz. This electricity runs through the entire house, powering our electrical appliances. This used to be the case until modern appliances began leaking dirty electricity into the wires. But what is the difference between clean and dirty electricity? Has electricity changed over time?

Clean electricity vs. Dirty electricity

What we receive in our homes, or what the powerhouses supply to our houses and building is clean electricity. This is because it flows at 60 Hz frequency with negligible fluctuations in voltage or frequency. However, when this current meets our modern home appliances like smart meters, hairdryers, CFL bulbs, etc, there is a change in the current flow.

This change causes spikes and surges of higher frequencies leading to EMF radiation. The release of EMF radiation through current wires can elevate radiation levels within our homes. When we use appliances that operate on DC current or use frequencies incompatible with the incoming AC supply, it produces dirty current.

Why dirty electricity is bad?

Disruptions in the flow of AC cause radio-frequency emissions. Most of us know that radio frequency is a type of low frequency EMF. It is not bad if we are exposed to it for a small time. However, we spend a lot of time at our home. We are exposed to this radiation for a long period. This has adverse effects on our health.

Dirty electricity increases radiation levels at our homes. If this value goes beyond the recommended safe limits, then we may begin to experience headaches, sleeping difficulty, anxiety, depression, and even face severe health issues.

People often ask, ‘what is the different between clean and dirty electricity?’ It is important to understand the difference. While clean electricity is totally safe, when it becomes dirty, it emits harmful radiation.

You can read more about EMF Guard here.

Is there a way to clean dirty electricity?

Yes, fortunately, there are ways to reduce the dirty power in our homes electrical system.

  • Install dirty electricity filters - This will help reduce the ‘noise’ and restore normal current flow.

  • Replace devices that contribute to dirty power – If possible, get rid of those light bulbs that generate dirty electricity. Instead, choose the ones that do not pollute the clean electricity. If this is not possible, at least minimize the use of such devices.

  • Use old technology if possible – We are not asking you to do this for everything at your home. But say with light bulbs, you can go with incandescent light bulbs instead of using fluorescent bulbs. This can reduce dirty electricity running through the wires.

  • Avoid using dimmer switches – Dimmer switches may be great for practical purposes, but these aren’t so good for your health. They are responsible for creating a dirty current. Dimmer switches use a quick burst of energy to bring about variations in lightening.


Some devices that we use in our homes can corrupt the clean electricity and convert it into dirty electricity. One major difference between the two is that dirty power cause radio frequency emissions. These can cause some health issues in humans.

EMF radiation doesn’t seem like a threat to our health, but higher levels of this radiation over a long period can be detrimental to our health. Some reports even claim that EMF radiation can be linked to some specific forms of cancer.

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